Drop-In Pickleball
03/21/2023 @ 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Each participant must pay $5 per night.
Drop-In Pickleball allows players to “drop in” and play games. Courts will be designated for competitive, intermediate and leisure players. Four players start on a court; when a game is complete, the winners will remain on the court and separate. The losers will go to the bench. Two new players from the bench will join the new game.
Admiral Coontz Recreation Center
301 Warren Barrett Drive
United States
News and Events
Scavenger Hunts
The Hannibal Parks & Recreation Department has developed Scavenger Hunts to encourage visitors to the Hannibal parks. Hannibal children, along with visitors to Hannibal, will have a chance to explore our parks in a different way. These free activities allow participants to learn more about Hannibal Parks and to earn a free treat from a local business in the process!
Here are the scavenger hunts available so far (check back for future additions).