Hannibal Parks & Recreation has relocated the April 12 Night Hike to Riverview Park.

The Night Hikes typically are in Sodalis Nature Preserve but due to high water from Bear Creek, the Sodalis Trail is unavailable.

Participants in the Night Hike will learn about the history of Riverview Park along with its wildlife, trees and plants. The hike will be on paved paths, about 2 miles.

The Night Hike will begin at 7 p.m. at Shelter No. 1 near the playground.

Gale Rublee, nature educator, will lead the hike. She has previously been a naturalist and teacher at Shaw Nature Reserve in St. Louis and has been a storyteller and actor. She is the coordinator and teacher for the Bluff City Theater Youth Education Theater Initiative.

The Night Hike is free but reservations must be made by calling Hannibal Parks & Recreation at 221-0154 or emailing [email protected].