The city of Hannibal is kicking off the #Hannibal Proud Campaign at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 3 on the east side of City Hall.
The first sign saying “#Hannibal Proud” will be erected near the City Hall mural.
The signs will be given to any Hannibal resident without code violations for their home or property. The signs will be available in the Department of Public Works office on the second floor of City Hall.
The program is sponsored by the city of Hannibal in conjunction with other civic organizations and companies. Mark Twain Dinette has offered to fund some of the signs.
City Manager Lisa Peck she hopes the campaign inspires residents to work together to improve the city. “Our goal is to rebrand the legacy of Hannibal,” she said. “We want to reflect on the successes and highlight the positive in Hannibal.”
Peck said she envisions Hannibal being inundated with signs. “By nature we have always been humble about our success and vitality, but sometimes it is okay to brag a little. It is time to let those who love Hannibal to let the good word out.”
The signs will be the first phase of the campaign. A contest showing renovations and gardens will be launched in the spring.