Bat scientists will be at Sodalis Nature Preserve Tuesday April 11 capturing bats for two studies on the behavior and health of different types of bats.
Anyone interested in observing the bat netting and study is welcome to gather at Sodalis Nature Preserve near the top of the paved trail at 7 p.m.
Researchers from US Fish & Wildlife and Missouri Department of Conservation will be helping to temporarily capture the bats in a mist net and collect information about the bats before letting them go.
Professors from the University of Illinois and Missouri State University will be available to answer questions.
Sodalis Nature Preserve is home to more than 215,000 Indiana bats (Myotis sodalis) and several other species.
The lead wildlife biologist from USFWS Vona Kuczynska said all ages are welcome to watch the proceedings from about 7 to 8:30 pm.